The Only Way to Learn How To Steep Tea Bags Perfectly

By Paul Bain

Steeping tea bag tea sounds simple enough, but the way you do it might really affect your tea experience. When you steep tea, all the health benefits stored in those leaves find their way to your cup and to your body. That's why at JusTea, we want to share with you the exact steps to get the most out of your tea cup.

6 Simple Steeping Steps

  1. Boil water to the specific temperature for the tea type*
  2. Use 1 tea bag per 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  3. Put tea bag in mug and pour in boiled water 
  4. Steep for the specific time for the tea type. Typically teas steep for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Remove the bag from your mug and enjoy your tea. But don’t compost your tea bag just yet! Since JusTea only uses whole leaf tea, you can save that tea bag to resteep a second delicious cup!
  6. To resteep the same tea bag, follow the same steps above but double the steeping time.

* If you don’t have a temperature controlled kettle, then just boil the water and let it sit and cool for about 3 minutes for an oolong, and 6 minutes for a purple or green tea. Black/Herbal tea can be poured right when the water boils.

how to steep tea bags for the best tea experience

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